The purpose of the 'Email for Later' option, available with Practice Learning Logs, is to allow the student's mentor (whether that's a Practice Assessor, Supervisor etc.) to complete the form in their own time on their device rather than on the student's device. This allows for more time for the assessor/supervisor to reflect and pen their response without distractions.
After the student has completed the form, this option can be selected on the right-hand side of the form tab:
If you choose to use the 'Email for Later' option you'll be presented with a pop-up box where you should fill in the full name and email address of your assessor/supervisor, and you can also write them a short message if you want to.
Once the form is submitted the assessor/supervisor will receive an email which will invite them to review and complete the form using a link within the email. The link will take them directly to the form.
After entering any feedback, they should click 'Submit'.
NOTE for Students:
If you've emailed a form for later to your assessor/supervisor and they haven't completed the form you can send a reminder OR change the recipient. To enable these options click on the 'Email' button to the left of the 'Complete New' button.
Click on the three ellipses as indicated below:
Selecting 'Send reminder' will send another email to the recipient that you previously entered details for.
Selecting 'Change recipient' will allow you to reroute the form to another email recipient. You will not be able to make any changes to the form response itself.