In the first meeting between the student and their Practice Assessor (PA), Practice Educator (PE), or Practice Supervisor (PS) the student should login to their ePAD or eMORA account and ask their PA, PE, or PS to complete the allocation form. Once this has been completed an ePAD account is automatically created for the Assessor, Educator or Supervisor (if they don't already have one) and their account is linked to your ePAD/eMORA to give them direct access.

NOTE: It can take up to two hours for the two accounts to sync therefore the PA, PE, or PS won't be able to view the student's account straight away.

Note that Practice Supervisors do not need to be linked to your ePAD/eMORA as they can work with you to complete forms while you are signed into your own account. However, any Practice Supervisor who is going to work with you throughout the placement will find it useful to have an account and be linked to your ePAD/eMORA to see your earlier documentation and support your progress.

If they are linked to your ePAD/eMORA, Practice Assessors, Educators and Supervisors can review your past documentation, support your progress, and contribute to your practice learning documentation. Additionally, there are some forms that can only be completed by Practice Assessors or Educators and therefore must be completed in their account.

You should link your Practice Assessor or Practice Educator to your ePAD or eMORA when you first meet with them at the start of a placement, or as soon as possible if they change.

As a student, work through the following steps to link your Practice Assessor or Practice Educator to your ePAD/eMORA:

  • Locate the Practice Assessor or Practice Educator Allocation form as applicable (e.g., go to the start tab in your current placement page).
  • Ask your PA or PE to complete and submit the Practice Assessor or Practice Educator Allocation form to link their account with yours. Or complete the Practice Supervisor Allocation form to link a Practice Supervisor. Take care to ensure that the assessor, educator or supervisor's full name and work email address are correctly entered as these details will be used to create their account (if they don't already have one) and to link their account to your PAD.
  • If they already have a MyProgress account, then it will be linked to your ePAD/eMORA automatically. They will receive a confirmation email that they have approved a form for you.
  • If the Practice Assessor, Practice Educator, or Practice Supervisor needs a MyProgress account: a) on submitting the form, their account will be created and will be linked to your ePAD/eMORA automatically. b) They will receive a welcome email with their MyProgress account details. Their username will be the email address provided in the form sign-off. They will be given a link to continue the set-up process in the confirmation email they receive. If the Practice Assessor, Practice Educator, or Practice Supervisor doesn't receive an email in their inbox: 

Firstly, ask them to check their junk mail folder, as email security filters sometimes put the email in there. If it is there, then they should mark the email sender as a 'safe sender' so that future emails go into their inbox.

Secondly, check that their email address was entered correctly on your form sign-off (go back to the form list in your         ePAD/eMORA to see what was entered). They will not receive the email if their email address was entered incorrectly. If that is the case raise a ticket via the HEMS MyProgress Support (portal) Helpdesk so that we can amend the details.

Thirdly, if their email address is correct ask them to contact their own IT team. It might be that email security filters             have blocked the email delivery and only their IT team can amend the filters to allow MyProgress emails to be delivered.