If you need an extension please contact a Student Adviser via the extension request form on Ask ARU. Please don't be concerned if there are genuine reasons for not meeting a deadline, for example, your Practice Assessor suddenly takes time off, the ePAD platform is down etc. - In genuine circumstances, there won't be a problem with issuing an extension. 

If you are looking for an extension because you have not achieved your practice hours, then you need to speak to your Personal Tutor/Academic Assessor as the course leader will need to organise for you to make up these hours at some point in the course. In these circumstances, an extension is not appropriate. This is because it is unlikely you will be able to make up the required hours in the maximum 2 weeks permitted for extension.

NOTE: If you aren't able to access Ask ARU, you can submit your request by emailing extension@aru.ac.uk